Commitments & Growing Up

Commitments and Growing up Being dedicated to something without failing, without ever giving up, not losing the mental peace. Commitment to keep intact a promise as you grow. The changes that happen when you grow up, are the additional layers that might provoke you and take you off the road in life, but these are … Continue reading Commitments & Growing Up

The dying hopes

@ramawritesofficial Do you sleep when the clock strikes 8? 10? 12? in the night? Or do you not sleep at all? Do you think about the things that bug you when you are alone? Or have you stopped worrying about them? I know its hard to just be ourseleves and live the life without expectations, … Continue reading The dying hopes

 That bewildering clinch of the heart and the mind

​Life is a bewildering clinch of the heart and the mind.You may talk with people, listen to their stories, relate it to your own, follow their journey, but you will still have to fight the battle of your life unchaperoned.So the next time you get domineered by judgements, remember only impassionate beings are sure of … Continue reading  That bewildering clinch of the heart and the mind

The Sunshine Blogger award

​I was nominated for the following award. I’m sorry it took me so long to participate to time constraints. Finally here I am appreciating the awesome bloggers for nominating me.. THANK YOU. XXXX Thank you eddaz for this award. I’m really grateful for the recognition. Kindly check out her blog. I’m fascinated by how mesmerizing her blog posts … Continue reading The Sunshine Blogger award